Celebrating Art, Community, and Plants

Celebrating Art, Community, and Plants

A few weeks ago, on the 14th October, we celebrated art, community, plants, and the launch of our new Stress Support Rituals, at the beautiful Sunup Space in Byron Bay.

Gathered amongst dear friends, both old and new, the purpose of the event was to take a pause, quiet the analytical mind, calm the nervous system, and drop into a creative flow enhanced by the medicine of some of our favourite plants and new products.

Guests were welcomed with Hemp Farmacy's incredible CBD oil and gummies, to encourage a state of deep relaxation. While the beautiful and very talented local artist, Cedar Jeffs lead us on a fun and explorative still life drawing session. 

A very big and heart-felt thank you to all those that attended, contributed, and made this such a memorable event. Below are some of our favourite shots of the morning by Alexandra Topakas.